I finally recieved my call today regarding my biopsy and I have NO rejection which is awesome! It was followed by a BS excuse as why I wasn't called on Friday but I will not go into that and will move forward. I do have to increase my Tacrolimus (main rejection medication), also the one that is causing my hair loss but I also get to lower my steroids a little bit. I'll probably have even more severe joint paint but we will work through that!
As you all know I have been struggling with this Heart Transplant. I haven't been able to see a plus side yet. But then it hit me. I have been having my groceries delivered due to my risk of getting any kind of infection, although much more expensive and they don't always do a good job of selecting and/or replacing your items. As Sterling was doing yard work the other day our groceries were delivered. Instead of asking for his help I decided to do it myself. I was able to bring in all of the groceries, put them away and still managed to have energy left. During heart failure, just carrying two bags of groceries would get me out of breath and then I would just have to sit down for quite awhile. I'm able to bend over to reach things, pick things up, move things, all with out getting absolutely exhausted. I'm also able to walk up hills and stairs without my heart racing although still difficult due to my muscle weakness.
So as hard as this journey has been I am at least able to start living a life, which is why they wanted me to get a transplant before I needed to be hospitalized. You can't always choose your life battles but you can choose how to fight them. And you can't fight alone. I am blessed to have such an amazing support team of doctors, family, friends but most of all my husband.
My husband cooks when I'm too tired, does the laundry when I can't, takes care of the trash, is always cleaning the bathrooms or kitchen or floors, takes care of all the yard work in the dreadful heat and humidity, gets anything that I need if I'm unable, consoles me when I need it, gives me space when I need that, takes care of me any way imaginable when I'm sick, watches anything I want, listens to anything I want, and does just about anything I want as long as it makes me happy. He is my heart and soul and wouldn't have been able to do this without him. I love you Sterling Cornelius McBride.
Speaking of the summer heat, it has been very difficult to get outside and exercise. The only possible time that is manageable is early early in the morning. However, I am still having a very difficult time with getting a good night of sleep so although I wake up early, my body does not want to get out of bed. The doctors want me to be more active so we are trying to go on a walk every other morning. Below are some recent photos of our last two walks. By the end we are drenched and exhausted but at least I'm trying. I should also be starting Cardiac Rehab soon, which will provide me a safe place to workout in an air conditioned environment.
Thanks for reading and stay safe out there and wear a mask. Love you all!
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