Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A Road Trip to Starting a New Life

My boyfriend, Sterling McBride, who is moving all the way across country to be with me, set up a GoFundMe page to support our road trip out west in order to start our lives together. Unfortunately, we have not been able to see each other since the first week of January due to us living on opposite sides of the country.  We have dealt with many ups and downs, probably more downs than ups in the past few months, but not being able to be together makes those downs that much worse.

We have known each other since 2007 and have been dating on and off, off due to living in separate places, since 2010.  Sterling finishes up Grad School at the end of April and then we are meeting at the ARVD Seminar at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, MD on May 1st.  I am drowning in bills, but more specifically Medical Bills.  He is drowning in student loans.  After an Associate Degree, Two Bachelor Degrees and a Graduate Degree, he will be paying off loans for a very long time.

His GoFundMe page was in hopes of raising some spending money for our drive out west to our temporary home in Jackson, WY.  After the summer, we will have to move again to Denver, CO which will also break our bank.  We are moving so he can begin his career as a high school history teacher and so I can be closer to better medical facilities.

I know I have not posted in a while, but between moving to Jackson in December 2014, being shocked by my ICD in February and having an array of other serious health issues, I just haven't found the time nor the motivation.

I've already filed for Bankruptcy once in 2011 due to me owing over $500,000 in medical bills, and due to my health issues preventing me from finding a decent career, I have been relying on my parents, which for most 28 year olds' is not ideal.  This trip is for me and my boyfriend to catch up with each other and experience what the world, more particularly America, has to offer.  This is his first road trip and first trip out west and I would like for the both of us to be able to make the most of it.

If anyone can help out in any way, even just a dollar or two, that would be more than amazing. After Baltimore we plan on staying a night outside of Cleveland on one of the Great Lakes, then stopping in Omaha for a night, followed by two nights in Denver and then back to Jackson.  

Also, if anyone lives in Denver and will be able to help us in anyway in regards with housing, school district information, and an office administrative job for myself, that would be just as helpful. Travelling is my passion but unfortunately it is also very expensive.  My boyfriend is amazing and the love of my life. He evens me out, and as most of you know, I need some evening out.

[Side Note] I have unfortunately put in my resignation at work, which has been the best job that I have ever had, working with the best law firm in Jackson, but unfortunately with all my health flare-ups, and all my doctors being over two hours away and the lack of flexibility at work, I had no option but to resign. Not only that, but Sterling and I will be moving to Denver at the end of July.  It's one of the few places that has available teaching positions while also having state of the art medical facilities.

For all you ARVDers out there, I was shocked recently.  My first shock since 2011, and my first shock since having my epicardial ablation.  I have had extreme and debilitating anxiety accompanied with panic attacks due to the shock.  I plan on writing a new post on the health struggles that I have incurred since moving out here to Jackson, WY a few months ago.  The last couple months have been extremely hard on myself but will hopefully only get better when I have Sterling, my wonderful and amazing boyfriend, joining me on this journey through life.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for any and all support.  And I hope to see some of you up at the Seminar this year.

Much Love,

Kiele Binsted

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