Sunday, April 17, 2011

What I Want

Alright, well here is another poem.  Like I said in my previous post, April is national poetry month. And just like the last poem, I had written this before I found that out.  This poem took me awhile to publish because I kept editing it. I have finally come to a point where it sounds decent and I realized I need to go ahead and get it out there or I will forever keep changing and adding to it, because this poem is about what I want, and don't we all want everything if we could have it.  I started this poem with the first two stanzas, the words just came to me one day.  Ever since then I have been building off that, I think I may have went a little too far, but as they say 'It is what it is.'! 

What I Want

What I want is to enlighten all minds
To reach others from end to end, joining all kinds
Whether its the craziest maniac or biggest buffoon
I want my beliefs to pierce their brain like a sharp harpoon

I want to utter substantial words like an English teacher
And guide others like a bible preacher
Not with a bible but with my liberated ideals
Using love,wisdom, truth, and diction in a way that heals

I want to learn all of It, Read all of It, and Practice It all
And have the memory and aptitude to recall
And before its too late, before I wizen
I want to expand my mind and broaden my horizon

I want to teach the kids in a way that interests them
And punish them in a way that doesn't condemn
And I want to address them as if they are adults
In an effort to minimize the amount of insults

I want to live in one nation under love, not under God
Where we can live in a democracy with more than one facade
And open the political doors to one less Nimrod
Because it's annoying to have a country run by a Tune Squad

I want to yell real loud at the one percent
For turning us all into slaved merchants
Dominated and oppressed by the age of capitalism
Causing everyone to be consumed by materialism

I want to erase our monetary system and start from scratch
Begin anew for a chance at a fair match
Isn't that what the Bailout did for all the Banks and Corporations
It makes me wonder why they call this the 'Free Nation'

And I want to pretend there is no such thing as oil
Because maybe then greed will start to recoil
Lives will be saved, wars will stop, and the atmosphere will prevail
And maybe then peace will start to hail

I want to cool the earth and reforest the ground
And put the mountain tops back where they were found
Make everything that can't be recycled or reused magically disappear
But instead we take what is at hand, and persevere

I want to see a world where there is no greed
And I assume in that world, there's no one in need
But that is so naive, and really just a dream
Because in reality most are nice but many are mean

I want all the weapons of the world  to submerse below the deep blue sea
Then students can continue to learn instead of becoming another tragedy
And there would be hardly a sound of a refugee
Because without guns and killing sprees we will all live in harmony

I want people to become conscious consumers when purchasing food
Because the mass production of animal meat is rather crude
And the amount of waste while people go hungry is rather rude
While the rest of us eat like kings with absolutely no gratitude

 I want to gobble institutions and swallow them whole
Like they've done with our brains and even our souls
But I want to praise the ones that made it through and stayed unique
Because when you find who you are, it gets easier by the week

I want to get people out of their houses and away from their screens
And show them what this world really means
I want to show people the molestation of Planet Earth
And maybe then they'll see her true worth

 I want everyone to feel wanted and loved
No more being bullied around, pushed or shoved
To stand up for their rights in hope for evolution
To have their one idea, big or small, start a revolution

But most of all, I want the sick to get healthy
Without sacrificing all they have to benefit the wealthy
So the world can start to have much more dance and smiles
Which will make more time for peace and love for miles and miles

I want all good things of course, Health, Laughter, Love & Peace
Especially during such an epochal time, we forget time on earth is a temporary lease
That's why these wars aren't worth fighting, and these people aren't worth hating
So what I want is change, and It's not going to just happen so quit waiting

I know I want a world that clearly doesn't exist and never will
Because life is simply too volatile
And we all know you can't always get what you want
But if someone's standing in your way, stand up and confront

Just make sure you live your life before it's too late
Because you can never predict your own fate
And before you know it, the doors will be open to the 'Heavenly' gate
So my advice to you, Be proactive and Don't await.

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